

Interactive Virtual Materials

14 years 3 months ago
Interactive Virtual Materials
In this paper we present a fast and robust approach for simulating elasto-plastic materials and fracture in real time. Our method extends the warped stiffness finite element approach for linear elasticity and combines it with a strain-state-based plasticity model. The internal principal stress components provided by the finite element computation are used to determine fracture locations and orientations. We also present a method to consistently animate and fracture a detailed surface mesh along with the underlying volumetric tetrahedral mesh. This multi-resolution strategy produces realistic animations of a wide spectrum of materials at interactive rates that have typically been simulated off-line thus far. Key words: Physically Based Animation, Finite Element Method, Large Deformations, Stiffness Warping, Elasticity, Plasticity, Fracture.
Matthias Müller, Markus H. Gross
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Matthias Müller, Markus H. Gross
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