

Interactive Visual Analysis of Perfusion Data

15 years 3 months ago
Interactive Visual Analysis of Perfusion Data
Perfusion data are dynamic medical image data which characterize the regional blood flow in human tissue. These data bear a great potential in medical diagnosis, since diseases can be better distinguished and detected at an earlier stage compared to static image data. The wide-spread use of perfusion data is hampered by the lack of efficient evaluation methods. For each voxel, a time-intensity curve characterizes the enhancement of a contrast agent. Parameters derived from these curves characterize the perfusion and have to be integrated for diagnosis. The diagnostic evaluation of this multi-field data is challenging and time-consuming due to its complexity. For the visual analysis of such datasets, feature-based approaches allow to reduce the amount of data and direct the user to suspicious areas. We present an interactive visual analysis approach for the evaluation of perfusion data. For this purpose, we integrate statistical methods and interactive feature specification. Correlation...
Steffen Oeltze, Helmut Doleisch, Helwig Hauser,
Added 03 Nov 2009
Updated 03 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VIS
Authors Steffen Oeltze, Helmut Doleisch, Helwig Hauser, Philipp Muigg, Bernhard Preim
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