

Interior/exterior classification of polygonal models

14 years 4 months ago
Interior/exterior classification of polygonal models
We present an algorithm for automatically classifying the interior and exterior parts of a polygonal model. The need for visualizing the interiors of objects frequently arises in medical visualization and CAD modeling. The goal of such visualizations is to display the model in a way that the human observer can easily understand the relationship between the different parts of the surface. While there exist excellent methods for visualizing surfaces that are inside one another (nested surfaces), the determination of which parts of the surface are interior is currently done manually. Our automatic method for interior classification takes a sampling approach using a collection of direction vectors. Polygons are said to be interior to the model if they are not visible in any of these viewing directions from a point outside the model. Once we have identified polygons as being inside or outside the model, these can be textured or have different opacities applied to them so that the whole mod...
Fakir S. Nooruddin, Greg Turk
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Fakir S. Nooruddin, Greg Turk
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