

Knowledge-Based Programs

14 years 5 months ago
Knowledge-Based Programs
We show how solution concepts in games such as Nash equilibrium, correlated equilibrium, rationalizability, and sequential equilibrium can be given a uniform definition in terms of knowledge-based programs. Intuitively, all solution concepts are implementations of two knowledge-based programs, one appropriate for games represented in normal form, the other for games represented in extensive form. These knowledge-based programs can be viewed as embodying rationality. The representation works even if (a) information sets do not capture an agent’s knowledge, (b) uncertainty is not represented by probability, or (c) the underlying game is not common knowledge.
Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses, Mosh
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where PODC
Authors Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses, Moshe Y. Vardi
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