

Large-scale placement by grid-warping

14 years 7 months ago
Large-scale placement by grid-warping
Grid-warping is a new placement algorithm based on a strikingly simple idea: rather than move the gates to optimize their location, we elastically deform a model of the 2-0 chip surface on which the gates have been roughly placed, "stretching" it until the gates arange themselves to our liking. Put simply: we move the grid, not the gutes. Deforming the elastic grid is a surprisingly simple, lowdimensional nonlinear optimization, and augments a traditional quadratic formulation. A preliminary implementation, WARPI, is already competitive with most recently published placers, e.g., placements that average 4% better wirelength, 40% faster than GORDIAN-L-DOMINO. Categoriesand SubjectDescriptors B.7.2 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids-placement and routing. G.4 [Mathematical Software]: Algorithm Design and Analysis GeneralTerms Algorithms, Design Keywords Algorithms, Placement
Zhong Xiu, James D. Z. Ma, Suzanne M. Fowler, Rob
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DAC
Authors Zhong Xiu, James D. Z. Ma, Suzanne M. Fowler, Rob A. Rutenbar
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