

Learning grasping points with shape context

14 years 1 months ago
Learning grasping points with shape context
This paper presents work on vision based robotic grasping. The proposed method adopts a learning framework where prototypical grasping points are learnt from several examples and then used on novel objects. For representation purposes, we apply the concept of shape context and for learning we use a supervised learning approach in which the classifier is trained with labelled synthetic images. We evaluate and compare the performance of linear and nonlinear classifiers. Our results show that a combination of a descriptor based on shape context with a non-linear classification algorithm leads to a stable detection of grasping points for a variety of objects. Key words: Grasping, Shape Context, Affordances, SVM
Jeannette Bohg, Danica Kragic
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where RAS
Authors Jeannette Bohg, Danica Kragic
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