

Light Field Video Stabilization

15 years 6 months ago
Light Field Video Stabilization
We describe a method for producing a smooth, stabilized video from the shaky input of a hand-held light field video camera— specifically, a small camera array. Traditional stabilization techniques dampen shake with 2D warps, and thus have limited ability to stabilize a significantly shaky camera motion through a 3D scene. Other recent stabilization techniques synthesize novel views as they would have been seen along a virtual, smooth 3D camera path, but are limited to static scenes. We show that video camera arrays enable much more powerful video stabilization, since they allow changes in viewpoint for a single time instant. Furthermore, we point out that the straightforward approach to light field video stabilization requires computing structure-from-motion, which can be brittle for typical consumer-level video of general dynamic scenes. We present a more robust approach that avoids input camera path reconstruction. Instead, we employ a spacetime optimization that di...
Brandon M. Smith, Li Zhang, Hailin Jin, Aseem Agar
Added 13 Jul 2009
Updated 10 Jan 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICCV
Authors Brandon M. Smith, Li Zhang, Hailin Jin, Aseem Agarwala
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