

On-Line File Caching

14 years 3 months ago
On-Line File Caching
Consider the following file caching problem: in response to a sequence of requests for files, where each file has a specified size and retrieval cost, maintain a cache of files of total size at most some specified k so as to minimize the total retrieval cost. Specifically, when a requested file is not in the cache, bring it into the cache and pay the retrieval cost, and remove other files from the cache so that the total size of files remaining in the cache is at most k. This problem generalizes previous paging and caching problems by allowing objects of arbitrary size and cost, both important attributes when caching files for world-wide-web browsers, servers, and proxies. We give a simple deterministic on-line algorithm that generalizes many well-known paging and weightedcaching strategies, including least-recently-used, first-in-first-out, flush-when-full, and the balance algorithm. On any request sequence, the total cost incurred by the algorithm is at most k/(k - h + 1) times the m...
Neal E. Young
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where SODA
Authors Neal E. Young
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