

Link-Centric Probabilistic Coverage Model for Transceiver-Free Object Detection in Wireless Networks

14 years 1 months ago
Link-Centric Probabilistic Coverage Model for Transceiver-Free Object Detection in Wireless Networks
Abstract--Sensing coverage is essential for most applications in wireless networks. In traditional coverage problem study, the disk coverage model has been widely applied because of its simplicity. Though notable recent works point out that the disk model has many critical limitations when applied in practice, few successful works have been conducted to comprehensively study the issue. Motivated by this, in this paper we propose a new coverage model called T-R model. T-R model is derived from a real application of transceiver-free object detection. Compared with the traditional disk model, T-R model is able to describe many new coverage features such as the probabilistic coverage, the link-centric coverage units and the correlations between multiple coverage units. These new capabilities model a better abstraction of individual sensors. To evaluate the performance of T-R model, we conduct comprehensive empirical studies based on a test-bed of 30 telosB nodes. Experimental results show ...
Dian Zhang, Yunhuai Liu, Lionel M. Ni
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Dian Zhang, Yunhuai Liu, Lionel M. Ni
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