

'Location is not enough!': an Empirical Study of Location-Awareness in Mobile Collaboration

14 years 8 months ago
'Location is not enough!': an Empirical Study of Location-Awareness in Mobile Collaboration
: There is an ever growing number of mobile learning applications based on location-awareness, However, there is still a lack of information concerning how it might impact socio-cognitive processes involved in collaboration. This is what the following empirical study aimed to address. We used a mobile and collaborative game, running on Tablet PCs, to test two conditions. On one hand, groups could see the positions of each member; while in the other location-awareness was not provided. All users could use the Tablet PC to communicate through annotations. We found no differences between the two conditions with regard to the task performance. Neither were there any differences in terms of cognitive workload. However, players without the location-awareness indications had a better representation of their partners’ paths. They wrote more messages and better explicated their strategies. The paper concludes with remarks about how this can be taken into account by mobile learning practitione...
Nicolas Nova, Fabien Girardin, Pierre Dillenbourg
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WMTE
Authors Nicolas Nova, Fabien Girardin, Pierre Dillenbourg
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