

LOCH: Supporting Informal Language Learning Outside the Classroom with Handhelds

14 years 6 months ago
LOCH: Supporting Informal Language Learning Outside the Classroom with Handhelds
The continuous development of wireless and mobile technologies has allowed the creation of an additional platform for supporting learning, one that can be embedded in the same physical space in which the learning is taking place. This paper describes a computer supported ubiquitous learning environment for language learning, called LOCH (Language-learning Outside the Classroom with Handhelds). In the environment, the teacher assigns field activities to the students, who go around the town to fulfill them and share their individual experiences. The main aim of this project, called One Day Trip with PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), was to integrate the knowledge acquired in the classroom and the real needs of the students in their daily life.
Rosa G. J. Paredes, Hiroaki Ogata, A. Nobuji, Yasu
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WMTE
Authors Rosa G. J. Paredes, Hiroaki Ogata, A. Nobuji, Yasuko Oishi, Takahito Ueda
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