

Logical Representation and Computation of Optimal Decisions in a Qualitative Setting

14 years 3 months ago
Logical Representation and Computation of Optimal Decisions in a Qualitative Setting
This paper describes a logical machineryfor computing decisions based on an ATMSprocedure, wherethe available knowledgeon the state of the world is describedbya possibilistic propositionallogic base(i.e., a collectionof logical statementsassociatedwithqualitative certainty levels). Thepreferencesof the userare also describedbyanotherpossibilistic logic basewhose formulaweightsare interpreted in termsof priorities and formulasexpressgoals. Twoattitudes are allowed for the decisionmaker:a pessimisticuncertainty-averse one and an optimistic one. Thecomputeddecisions are in agreementwitha qualitative counterpartto classical expectedutility theoryfor decisionunderuncertainty.
Didier Dubois, Daniel Le Berre, Henri Prade, R&eac
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where AAAI
Authors Didier Dubois, Daniel Le Berre, Henri Prade, Régis Sabbadin
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