

Low-Power, High-Speed CMOS VLSI Design

14 years 11 months ago
Low-Power, High-Speed CMOS VLSI Design
Ubiquitous computing is a next generation information technology where computers and communications will be scaled further, merged together, and materialized in consumer applications. Computers will be invisible behind broadband networks as servers, while terminals will come closer to us as wearable/implantable devices, more friendly devices with sophisticated human-computer-interactions. IC chips will be implanted everywhere so that things can think and talk for distributed information processing. Key technologies here are low power, low cost, and good interface especially for wireless data communications. Low-power, high-speed CMOS circuit techniques will be presented in this paper, including low-voltage design with variable/multiple VDD/VTH control, embedded memory technology for reducing capacitance, and low-switching activity design.
Tadahiro Kuroda
Added 16 Mar 2010
Updated 16 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICCD
Authors Tadahiro Kuroda
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