

Low Power Illinois Scan Architecture for Simultaneous Power and Test Data Volume Reduction

14 years 7 months ago
Low Power Illinois Scan Architecture for Simultaneous Power and Test Data Volume Reduction
We present Low Power Illinois scan architecture (LPILS) to achieve power dissipation and test data volume reduction, simultaneously. By using the proposed scan architecture, dynamic power dissipation during scan testing in registers and combinational cells can be significantly reduced without modifying the clock tree of the design. The proposed architecture is independent of the ATPG patterns and imposes a very small combinational area penalty due to the logic added between the scan cells and the CUT. Experimental results for two industrial circuits show that we can simultaneously achieve up to 47% reduction in dynamic power dissipation due to switching and 10X test data volume reduction with LPILS over basic scan.
Anshuman Chandra, Felix Ng, Rohit Kapur
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Anshuman Chandra, Felix Ng, Rohit Kapur
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