

Massively multi-topology sizing of analog integrated circuits

14 years 7 months ago
Massively multi-topology sizing of analog integrated circuits
This paper demonstrates a system that performs multiobjective sizing across 100,000 analog circuit topologies simultaneously, with SPICE accuracy. It builds on a previous system, MOJITO, which searches through 3500 topologies defined by a hierarchically-organized set of 30 analog blocks. This paper improves MOJITO’s results quality via three key extensions. First, it enlarges the block library to enable symmetrical transconductance amplifiers and more. Second, it improves initial topology diversity via optimization-based constraint satisfaction. Third, it maintains topology diversity during search via a novel multi-objective selection mechanism, dubbed TAPAS. MOJITO+TAPAS is demonstrated on a problem with 6 objectives, returning a tradeoff holding 17438 nondominated designs. The tradeoff is comprised of 152 unique topologies that include the newly-introduced topologies. 59 designs across 12 topologies designs outperform an expertdesigned reference circuit.
Pieter Palmers, Trent McConaghy, Michiel Steyaert,
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DATE
Authors Pieter Palmers, Trent McConaghy, Michiel Steyaert, Georges G. E. Gielen
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