

A micro-ethical view on computing practice

14 years 2 months ago
A micro-ethical view on computing practice
Critical computing should include a concern for the everyday work practice of IT professionals. We explain our ‘micro-ethical view’, which shifts focus towards everyday work culture, seemingly mundane action, and describe what is gained thereby and by ‘preventive’ ethics. Four scenarios illustrate the situations relevant for our analysis. Reconstructing the history of ‘responsibility’ uncovers various concepts that provide fields of tension and systematize our analysis. We finish with related research questions relevant for this micro-ethical view that offer a broad field for research, as well as for professional action. Keywords Ethics, responsibility, everyday work practice, professional practice, work culture, moral improvisation, self-reflection
Peter Bittner, Eva Hornecker
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Peter Bittner, Eva Hornecker
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