

Minimum and Maximum Predicates in Logic Programming

14 years 4 months ago
Minimum and Maximum Predicates in Logic Programming
A novel approach is proposed for ezpresaing and computing eficienily a large cla88 of problem8, including jinding the shortest path in a graph, that were previously considered impervious to an efiient treatment in the declarative framework of logic-baaed languageu. Our approach w based on the u8e of ruin and nmx predicate having a jht-order semantica defined using mleu w“th negation in their bodien. We show that when certain monotonicity condition8 hold then (1) there ezists a total well-founded model for these progmrnn containing negation, (2) this model can be computed eflciently using a procedure called greedy fixpoint, and (3) the original program can be rewritten into a more eficient one by puuhing rnin and max predicate8 into recursion. The greedy jizpoint evaluation of the program expressing the shorted path problem coincideu with Dijkdra’s algon”thm.
Sumit Ganguly, Sergio Greco, Carlo Zaniolo
Added 27 Aug 2010
Updated 27 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1991
Where PODS
Authors Sumit Ganguly, Sergio Greco, Carlo Zaniolo
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