

Mining Feature-Opinion in Online Customer Reviews for Opinion Summarization

14 years 1 months ago
Mining Feature-Opinion in Online Customer Reviews for Opinion Summarization
: Online customer reviews is considered as a significant informative resource which is useful for both potential customers and product manufacturers. In web pages, the reviews are written in natural language and are unstructured-free-texts scheme. The task of manually scanning through large amounts of review one by one is computational burden and is not practically implemented with respect to businesses and customer perspectives. Therefore it is more efficient to automatically process the various reviews and provide the necessary information in a suitable form. The high-level problem of opinion summarization addresses how to determine the sentiment, attitude or opinion that an author expressed in natural language text with respect to a certain feature. In this paper, we dedicate our work to the main subtask of opinion summarization. The task of product feature and opinion extraction is critical to opinion summarization, because its effectiveness significantly affects the performance of...
Gamgarn Somprasertsri, Pattarachai Lalitrojwong
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JUCS
Authors Gamgarn Somprasertsri, Pattarachai Lalitrojwong
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