

MitoGenesisDB: an expression data mining tool to explore spatio-temporal dynamics of mitochondrial biogenesis

13 years 3 months ago
MitoGenesisDB: an expression data mining tool to explore spatio-temporal dynamics of mitochondrial biogenesis
Mitochondria constitute complex and flexible cellular entities, which play crucial roles in normal and pathological cell conditions. The database MitoGenesisDB focuses on the dynamic of mitochondrial protein formation through global mRNA analyses. Three main parameters confer a global view of mitochondrial biogenesis: (i) time-course of mRNA production in highly synchronized yeast cell cultures, (ii) microarray analyses of mRNA localization that define translation sites and (iii) mRNA transcription rate and stability which characterize genes that are more dependent on posttranscriptional regulation processes. MitoGenesisDB integrates and establishes cross-comparisons between these data. Several model organisms can be analyzed via orthologous relationships between interspecies genes. More generally this database supports the ‘post-transcriptional operon’ model, which postulates that eukaryotes co-regulate related mRNAs based on their functional organization in ribonucleoprotein com...
Jean-Christophe Gelly, Mickael Orgeur, Claude Jacq
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where NAR
Authors Jean-Christophe Gelly, Mickael Orgeur, Claude Jacq, Gaëlle Lelandais
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