

Mobile Robot Self-Localization in Large-Scale Environments

14 years 5 months ago
Mobile Robot Self-Localization in Large-Scale Environments
— This paper presents a new approach for the absolute self-localization of a mobile robot in structured large-scale environments. The requirements with regard to both, the necessary a-priori knowledge as well as the sensor equipment, are low. The algorithm scales up very well, due to a hybrid representation of the environment that augments a topological map with metric information. As a consequence, the method is especially suited for usage in large-scale service robotics applications. As an example for a future application, the so-called Navigation Assistant of the Bremen Autonomous Wheelchair “Rolland” is discussed. The self-localization results presented below stem from experiments with the wheelchair on a 2,176m long indoor and outdoor parcours on the campus of the Universit¨at Bremen. Keywords— Navigation, Localization, Mobile Robots, Service Robots, Nonholonomic Robots I. MOTIVATION FUTURE generations of service robots are going to be mobile in the first place. Both, in...
Axel Lankenau, Thomas Röfer
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICRA
Authors Axel Lankenau, Thomas Röfer
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