

Mobility and stability evaluation in wireless multi-hop networks using multi-player games

14 years 8 months ago
Mobility and stability evaluation in wireless multi-hop networks using multi-player games
Plenty of work was contributed in the field of protocol design and performance evaluation of multi-hop networks. It is generally accepted that mobility has a huge impact on the protocol performance; even more for multi-hop networks. Obtaining realistic measurements of mobility, however, is complex and expensive. Thus, we adopt virtual world scenarios to explore the mobility issue, by using the well-known multi-player game, Quake II. The advantage of the Quake II engine is that users move within virtual worlds under realistic constraints, whereas other mobility models may offer insufficient accuracy or operate under unrealistic assumptions. Moreover, it is very easy to create new virtual worlds and to adapt them to specialized needs. In this paper, we propose an analytical framework for mobility measurements in virtual worlds that could be adopted for the design of communication protocols. Our framework enables the study of the impact of mobility on connectivity and stability of the ...
Frank H. P. Fitzek, Leonardo Badia, Michele Zorzi,
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Frank H. P. Fitzek, Leonardo Badia, Michele Zorzi, Gerrit Schulte, Patrick Seeling, Tristan Henderson
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