

Modern protein force fields behave comparably in molecular dynamics simulations

14 years 2 months ago
Modern protein force fields behave comparably in molecular dynamics simulations
: Several molecular dynamics simulations were performed on three proteins--bovine apo-calbindin D9K, human interleukin-4 R88Q mutant, and domain IIA of bacillus subtilis glucose permease--with each of the AMBER94, CHARMM22, and OPLS-AA force fields as implemented in CHARMM. Structural and dynamic properties such as solvent-accessible surface area, radius of gyration, deviation from their respective experimental structures, secondary structure, and backbone order parameters are obtained from each of the 2-ns simulations for the purpose of comparing the protein portions of these force fields. For one of the proteins, the interleukin-4 mutant, two independent simulations were performed using the CHARMM22 force field to gauge the sensitivity of some of these properties to the specific trajectory. In general, the force fields tested performed remarkably similarly with differences on the order of those found for the two independent trajectories of interleukin-4 with CHARMM22. When all three ...
Daniel J. Price, Charles L. Brooks III
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JCC
Authors Daniel J. Price, Charles L. Brooks III
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