
13 years 9 months ago
Computational energy-based redesign of robust proteins
The robustness of a system is a property that pervades all aspects of Nature. The ability of a system to adapt itself to perturbations due to internal and external agents, to agin...
Giovanni Stracquadanio, Giuseppe Nicosia
133views more  TCAD 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Defect-Tolerant Design and Optimization of a Digital Microfluidic Biochip for Protein Crystallization
Protein crystallization is a commonly used technique for protein analysis and subsequent drug design. It predicts the 3-D arrangement of the constituent amino acids, which in turn ...
Tao Xu, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Vamsee K. Pamula
202views more  NAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
dbDEPC: a database of Differentially Expressed Proteins in human Cancers
Cancer-related investigations have long been in the limelight of biomedical research. Years of effort from scientists and doctors worldwide have generated large amounts of data at...
Hong Li, Ying He, Guohui Ding, Chuan Wang, Lu Xie,...
194views more  NAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
AltAnalyze and DomainGraph: analyzing and visualizing exon expression data
Alternative splicing is an important mechanism for increasing protein diversity. However, its functional effects are largely unknown. Here, we present our new software workflow co...
Dorothea Emig, Nathan Salomonis, Jan Baumbach, Tho...
173views more  NAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
The Protein Naming Utility: a rules database for protein nomenclature
Generation of syntactically correct and unambiguous names for proteins is a challenging, yet vital task for functional annotation processes. Proteins are often named based on homo...
Johannes Goll, Robert Montgomery, Lauren M. Brinka...
148views more  NAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
SIMAP - a comprehensive database of pre-calculated protein sequence similarities, domains, annotations and clusters
The prediction of protein function as well as the reconstruction of evolutionary genesis employing sequence comparison at large is still the most powerful tool in sequence analysi...
Thomas Rattei, Patrick Tischler, Stefan Götz,...
213views Bioinformatics» more  BCB 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Markov clustering of protein interaction networks with improved balance and scalability
Markov Clustering (MCL) is a popular algorithm for clustering networks in bioinformatics such as protein-protein interaction networks and protein similarity networks. An important...
Venu Satuluri, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Duygu Uca...
13 years 10 months ago
A Partial Set Covering Model for Protein Mixture Identification Using Mass Spectrometry Data
—Protein identification is a key and essential step in mass spectrometry (MS) based proteome research. To date, there are many protein identification strategies that employ eithe...
Zengyou He, Can Yang, Weichuan Yu
227views Computer Vision» more  NAR 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
VnD: a structure-centric database of disease-related SNPs and drugs
Numerous genetic variations have been found to be related to human diseases. Significant portion of those affect the drug response as well by changing the protein structure and fu...
Jin Ok Yang, Sangho Oh, Gunhwan Ko, Seong-Jin Park...
274views Computer Vision» more  NAR 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
A series of PDB related databases for everyday needs
The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is the world-wide repository of macromolecular structure information. We present a series of databases that run parallel to the PDB. Each database hold...
Robbie P. Joosten, Tim A. H. te Beek, Elmar Kriege...