

Modular Representations of Polynomials: Hyperdense Coding and Fast Matrix Multiplication

14 years 3 months ago
Modular Representations of Polynomials: Hyperdense Coding and Fast Matrix Multiplication
A certain modular representation of multilinear polynomials is considered. The modulo 6 representation of polynomial f is just any polynomial f + 6g. The 1-a-strong representation of f modulo 6 is polynomial f + 2g + 3h, where no two of g, f and h have common monomials. Using this representation, some surprising applications are described: it is shown that n homogeneous linear polynomials x1, x2, . . . , xn can be linearly transformed to no(1) linear polynomials, such that from these linear polynomials one can get back the 1-a-strong representations of the original ones, also with linear transformations. Probabilistic Memory Cells (PMC's) are also defined here, and it is shown that one can encode n bits into n PMC's, transform n PMC's to no(1) PMC's ( we call this Hyperdense Coding), and one can transform back these no(1) PMC's to n PMC's, and from these how one can get back the original bits, while from the hyperdense form one could have got back only no(...
Vince Grolmusz
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIT
Authors Vince Grolmusz
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