

Monitoring MaxRS in Spatial Data Streams

8 years 10 months ago
Monitoring MaxRS in Spatial Data Streams
Due to the increase of GPS enabled devices and a lot of locationbased services, spatial objects are continuously generated. This paper addresses a problem of monitoring MaxRS (Maximizing Range Sum) in spatial data streams. Given a set of weighted spatial (2dimensional) objects, this problem is to monitor a location of a given user-specified sized rectangle where the sum of the weights of the objects covered by the rectangle is maximized. Many real life applications obtain a benefit from monitoring MaxRS, e.g., traffic analysis and event detection in urban sensing, but this problem has not yet been addressed so far. Although some algorithms for static objects have been proposed, executing such an algorithm whenever new objects are generated is computationally expensive. These motivate us to develop an efficient algorithm that can monitor MaxRS efficiently. In this paper, we first design a basic algorithm that is based on an index framework and incrementally updates the result. We...
Added 02 Apr 2016
Updated 02 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where EDBT
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