

MPC-MPI: An MPI Implementation Reducing the Overall Memory Consumption

14 years 8 months ago
MPC-MPI: An MPI Implementation Reducing the Overall Memory Consumption
Message-Passing Interface (MPI) has become a standard for parallel applications in high-performance computing. Within a single cluster node, MPI implementations benefit from the shared memory to speed-up intra-node communications while the underlying network protocol is exploited to communicate between nodes. However, it requires the allocation of additional buffers leading to a memory-consumption overhead. This may become an issue on future clusters with reduced memory amount per core. In this article, we propose an MPI implementation built upon the MPC framework called MPC-MPI reducing the overall memory footprint. We obtained up to 47% of memory gain on benchmarks and a real-world application.
Marc Pérache, Patrick Carribault, Herv&eacu
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PVM
Authors Marc Pérache, Patrick Carribault, Hervé Jourdren
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