

Multi-Device Context-Aware RIAs Using a Model-Driven Approach

13 years 11 months ago
Multi-Device Context-Aware RIAs Using a Model-Driven Approach
: Model-Driven Development concepts are exhibiting as a good engineering solution for the design of ubiquitous applications with multi-device user interfaces and other contextaware capacities. The Web has become an ideal platform for the deployment of such applications and therefore traditional Web development techniques are rapidly adopting ModelDriven principles to cope with the adaptation issues imposed by context-awareness and multichannel solutions. This discipline is being known as Model Driven Web Engineering. However, at the same time that the use of the Web and the number of people with mobile devices is growing, users are demanding more and better user experiences through the user interface. Web vendors answered introducing Rich Internet Applications that take advantage of the single-page paradigm and expand traditional Web features, providing richer content types, richer controls, richer temporal behaviors, richer interactivity and richer communications. While many recent de...
Marino Linaje Trigueros, Juan Carlos Preciado, Fer
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JUCS
Authors Marino Linaje Trigueros, Juan Carlos Preciado, Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa
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