

Multi-profile based code compression

15 years 1 months ago
Multi-profile based code compression
Code compression has been shown to be an effective technique to reduce code size in memory constrained embedded systems. It has also been used as a way to increase cache hit ratio, thus reducing power consumption and improving performance. This paper proposes an approach to mix static/dynamic instruction profiling in dictionary construction, so as to best exploit trade-offs in compression ratio/performance. Compressed instructions are stored as variable-size indices into fixed-size codewords, eliminating compressed code misalignments. Experimental results, using the Leon (SPARCv8) processor and a program mix from MiBench and Mediabench, show that our approach halves the number of cache accesses and power consumption while produces compression ratios as low as 56%. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.3 [Hardware]: Memory Structures; C.3 [Special Purpose and Aplication Based Systems]: Real-time and Embedded systems. General Terms Performance, Design. Keywords Code compression, compress...
Eduardo Wanderley Netto, Rodolfo Azevedo, Paulo Ce
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DAC
Authors Eduardo Wanderley Netto, Rodolfo Azevedo, Paulo Centoducatte, Guido Araujo
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