

Multiclass discovery in array data

14 years 2 months ago
Multiclass discovery in array data
Background: A routine goal in the analysis of microarray data is to identify genes with expression levels that correlate with known classes of experiments. In a growing number of array data sets, it has been shown that there is an over-abundance of genes that discriminate between known classes as compared to expectations for random classes. Therefore, one can search for novel classes in array data by looking for partitions of experiments for which there are an over-abundance of discriminatory genes. We have previously used such an approach in a breast cancer study. Results: We describe the implementation of an unsupervised classification method for class discovery in microarray data. The method allows for discovery of more than two classes. We applied our method on two published microarray data sets: small round blue cell tumors and breast tumors. The method predicts relevant classes in the data sets with high success rates. Conclusions: We conclude that the proposed method is accurat...
Yingchun Liu, Markus Ringnér
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Authors Yingchun Liu, Markus Ringnér
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