

The multiplicative power of consensus numbers

14 years 5 months ago
The multiplicative power of consensus numbers
: The Borowsky-Gafni (BG) simulation algorithm is a powerful reduction algorithm that shows that t-resilience of decision tasks can be fully characterized in terms of wait-freedom. Said in another way, the BG simulation shows that the crucial parameter is not the number n of processes but the upper bound t on the number of processes that are allowed to crash. The BG algorithm considers colorless decision tasks in the base read/write shared memory model. (Colorless means that if, a process decides a value, any other process is allowed to decide the very same value.) This paper considers system models made up of n processes prone to up to t crashes, and where the processes communicate by accessing read/write atomic registers (as assumed by the BG) and (differently from the BG) objects with consensus number x (with x ≤ t < n). Let ASM(n, t, x) denote such a system model. While the BG simulation has shown that the models ASM(n, t, 1) and ASM(t + 1, t, 1) are equivalent, this paper foc...
Damien Imbs, Michel Raynal
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where PODC
Authors Damien Imbs, Michel Raynal
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