

Natural Textures for Weather Data Visualization

14 years 8 months ago
Natural Textures for Weather Data Visualization
In this paper we present a novel method to visualize weather data with multi-layer controllable texture synthesis. Texture possesses multiple principal perceptual channels, which makes it good at encoding multiple data attributes contained in weather data. The natural textures existed in the real world especially provide plenty of choices to encode the data with visually pleasing images. A controllable texture synthesis method is developed to generate a large amount of textures which change the appearances of their individual perceptual dimensions according to the underlying distribution of data attributes. In order to encode more data attributes we further propose multi-layer texture synthesis. The background and foreground textures are separately synthesized and then combined together for display. In the end, we apply our method to some real-world weather data and demonstrate its effectiveness with a user study.
Ying Tang, Huamin Qu, Yingcai Wu, Hong Zhou
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IV
Authors Ying Tang, Huamin Qu, Yingcai Wu, Hong Zhou
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