

New Bounds for Codes Identifying Vertices in Graphs

14 years 1 months ago
New Bounds for Codes Identifying Vertices in Graphs
Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph. Let C be a subset of vertices that we shall call a code. For any vertex v V , the neighbouring set N(v, C) is the set of vertices of C at distance at most one from v. We say that the code C identifies the vertices of G if the neighbouring sets N(v, C), v V, are all nonempty and different. What is the smallest size of an identifying code C ? We focus on the case when G is the two-dimensional square lattice and improve previous upper and lower bounds on the minimum size of such a code. AMS subject classification: 05C70, 68R10, 94B99, 94C12. Submitted: February 12, 1999; Accepted: March 15, 1999. G. Cohen, A. Lobstein and G. Z
Gérard D. Cohen, Iiro S. Honkala, Antoine L
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Authors Gérard D. Cohen, Iiro S. Honkala, Antoine Lobstein, Gilles Zémor
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