

Non-metric Multicommodity and Multilevel Facility Location

14 years 6 months ago
Non-metric Multicommodity and Multilevel Facility Location
Abstract. We give logarithmic approximation algorithms for the nonmetric uncapacitated multicommodity and multilevel facility location problems. The former algorithms are optimal up to a constant factor, the latter algorithm is far away from the lower bound, but it is the first algorithm to solve the general multilevel problem. To solve the multicommodity problem, we also define a new problem, the friendly tour operator problem, which we approximate by a greedy algorithm.
Rudolf Fleischer, Jian Li, Shijun Tian, Hong Zhu
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AAIM
Authors Rudolf Fleischer, Jian Li, Shijun Tian, Hong Zhu
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