We investigate LP-polytopes generated by mean payoff games and their properties, including the existence of tight feasible solutions of bounded size. We suggest a new associated al...
Due to the increasing security threats on the Internet, new overlay network architectures have been proposed to secure privileged services. In these architectures, the application...
We introduce a novel invertible transform for two-dimensional data which has the objective of reordering the matrix so it will improve its (lossless) compression at later stages. T...
We study the subsequence packing problem: given a string T and a collection of strings {Si}, find disjoint subsequences {Ti} of T with maximum total length such that each Ti is a ...
Abstract. We derive a polynomial time algorithm to compute a stable solution in a mixed matching market from an auction procedure as presented by Eriksson and Karlander [5]. As a s...
In this note we deal with sensitivity analysis of combinatorial optimization problems and its fundamental term, the tolerance. For three classes of objective functions (Σ, Π, MA...
Abstract. We give logarithmic approximation algorithms for the nonmetric uncapacitated multicommodity and multilevel facility location problems. The former algorithms are optimal u...
Abstract. We study an extension of the set cover problem, the connected set cover problem, the problem is to find a set cover of minimal size that satisfies some connectivity con...