

Non-standard Parallel Solution Strategies for Distributed Sparse Linear Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Non-standard Parallel Solution Strategies for Distributed Sparse Linear Systems
Abstract. A number of techniques are described for solving sparse linear systems on parallel platforms. The general approach used is a domaindecomposition type method in which a processor is assigned a certain number of rows of the linear system to be solved. Strategies that are discussed include non-standard graph partitioners, and a forced loadbalance technique for the local iterations. A common practice when partitioning a graph is to seek to minimize the number of cut-edges and to have an equal number of equations per processor. It is shown that partitioners that take into account the values of the matrix entries may be more effective.
Yousef Saad, Masha Sosonkina
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ACPC
Authors Yousef Saad, Masha Sosonkina
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