

Nonrestrictive Concept-Acquisition by Representational Redescription

14 years 3 months ago
Nonrestrictive Concept-Acquisition by Representational Redescription
coarse procedures or very abstract frames from the point of view of algorithm, because some crucial issues like the representation, evolution, storage, and learning process of concept etc. are not described. Maybe the realization details of constructing a concept system in a computer are not the aim of Psychology, but they are the core problems in artificial intelligence. In an operable and practicable level, we propose a concept acquisition and development method, which was inspired by Karmiloff-Smith's Representation Redescription (RR) supposition. They divide the cognition development into three phases and four levels of representation: Implicit (I), Explicit 1 (E1), Explicit 2 (E2) and Explicit 3 (E3). But in primitive RR how it realizes the representation and redescription was not mentioned, that is to say the RR only has basic and sprit and no implementation consideration. Thus we should develop a systematic method to avoid its ambiguity, formalize its architecture, represen...
Hui Wei, Yan Chen
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICAI
Authors Hui Wei, Yan Chen
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