


14 years 4 months ago
In this extended abstract I describe some norm typolgies developed within sociololgy and social philosophy. Using these typologies we can determine the bounderies of the different approaches to normative agent systems. Keywords. Norms, Multiagent systems, Normative multiagent systems, Typologies ed abstract The concept of a norm is problematic. Not only due to the different views on norms in different research areas, but also since the concept is used in everyday life in ambiguous ways. As in folkpsychology, the use of ”‘folksociological”’ concepts in scientific research creates problems. To deal with both problems I propose to analyse available norm typologies to create a framework with which to evaluate the possiblities and impossiblities to adress different types of norms using various approaches to normative agentsystems. Morris [1] proposes a definitional difference betweeen norms and the closely related concept of values after whcih he proceeds to present a classi�...
Harko Verhagen
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Harko Verhagen
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