

A novel approach for partitioning iteration spaces with variable densities

14 years 7 months ago
A novel approach for partitioning iteration spaces with variable densities
Efficient partitioning of parallel loops plays a critical role in high performance and efficient use of multiprocessor systems. Although a significant amount of work has been done in partitioning and scheduling of loops with rectangular iteration spaces, the problem of partitioning non-rectangular iteration spaces — e.g., triangular, trapezoidal iteration spaces — with variable densities has not been addressed so far to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we present a mathematical model for partitioning N-dimensional non-rectangular iteration spaces with variable densities. We present a unimodular loop transformation and a geometric approach for partitioning an iteration space along an axis corresponding to the outermost loop across a given number of processors to achieve near-optimal performance, i.e., to achieve nearoptimal load balance across different processors. We present a case study to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. Categories and Subject Descriptor...
Arun Kejariwal, Alexandru Nicolau, Utpal Banerjee,
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Arun Kejariwal, Alexandru Nicolau, Utpal Banerjee, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos
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