

Object-oriented SPMD

14 years 6 months ago
Object-oriented SPMD
— This article presents an evolution of classical SPMD programming for clusters and grids. It is named ”Object-Oriented SPMD” as it is based on remote method invocation. More precisely, it is based on an active object pattern, extended as a typed group of active objects, to which SPMD’s specificities are added. The proposed programming model is more flexible: techniques to postpone barrier and to remove any explicit loop make it possible to privilege reactivity and reuse. The resulting OO-SPMD API has been implemented in ProActive. Good scalability and quite competitive performances, compared to what is obtained using C-MPI, are demonstrated.
Laurent Baduel, Françoise Baude, Denis Caro
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Laurent Baduel, Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel
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