While in the traditional workflow processes the control flow is determined statically within process definitions, in declarative workflow processes the control flow is dynamic and ...
Marcin Dabrowski, Michal Drabik, Mariusz Trzaska, ...
In this article a three staged file transfer approach for the Grid is proposed. File transfer in the Grid can take place at three stages: deployment, user application execution, ...
We present in this article a precise security model for data confidentiality in the framework of ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes). ASP is based on active objects, asynchro...
Asynchronous Active Objects (AAOs), primarily exemplied by actors [1], nowadays exist in many forms (various kinds of actors, agents and components) and are more and more used beca...
Objects are collected into an object base because of a presumed need for cooperation among them. In classical object bases the cooperation is based on synchronous, preplanned mess...
for ideas, and then abstract away from these ideas to produce algorithmic processes that can create problem solutions in a bottom-up manner. We have previously described a top-dow...
We present a contribution on dynamic load balancing for distributed and parallel object-oriented applications. We specially target on peer to peer systems and its capability to di...
— This article presents an evolution of classical SPMD programming for clusters and grids. It is named ”Object-Oriented SPMD” as it is based on remote method invocation. More...
Abstract. Grids are becoming more and more dynamic, running parallel applications on large scale and heterogeneous resources. Explicitly stopping a whole distributed application is...
The applicability of aspects as a means of implementing runtime contract checking has been demonstrated in prior work, where contracts are identified as cross-cutting concerns [1...