

Object Surface Reconstruction from One Camera System

14 years 8 months ago
Object Surface Reconstruction from One Camera System
In this paper, there is introduced an approach to surface reconstruction of an object captured by one grayscale camera with a small resolution. The proposed solution expects a rectangular grid being projected onto the object and the camera capturing the situation from position different to the grid projector position. The crucial part of the method is exact detection of the grid. The structure of the grid is identified by the centers of the inner space between its lines. The reconstruction process itself is based on a simple math of perspective projection of the captured image. Due to the small resolution of the image some errors arise during object surface reconstruction. We proposed a correction of the calculated coordinates, which is a simple one-dimensional function depending on the distance from the camera. The method performs very well as the results in conjunction with the precision evaluation indicate at the end of the paper.
Radim Dvorak, Martin Drahanský, Filip Ors&a
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where FGIT
Authors Radim Dvorak, Martin Drahanský, Filip Orság
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