

Ontological Framework to Model Critical Infrastructures and their Interdependencies

14 years 6 months ago
Ontological Framework to Model Critical Infrastructures and their Interdependencies
This paper presents a Knowledge Base System (KBS) as a key component of a federated simulation framework which allows the investigation of (inter)dependencies among Critical Infrastructures (CIs). The KBS supports the federated simulation framework by using the ontological formalism to represent specific CI domains and their dependencies. The main advantage of the proposed ontological formalism consists on the abstraction of the description from the technological (i.e. simulation) level: the scenario can be described with a formalism used by the experts of the various CI domains. The proposed approach has been validated on a realistic scenario with actual data derived from the Rome city area. This scenario has been then used as testbed for a federated distributed simulation.
Elisa Castorini, Paolo Palazzari, Alberto Tofani,
Added 15 Aug 2010
Updated 15 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Elisa Castorini, Paolo Palazzari, Alberto Tofani, Paolo Servillo
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