

Open and emerging control problems in tokamak plasma control

14 years 9 months ago
Open and emerging control problems in tokamak plasma control
— The tokamak concept for magnetic confinement of fusion plasmas is now quite mature scientifically. This maturity is evidenced by the ongoing worldwide effort to design and construct an internationally supported multi-billion dollar experimental tokamak called ITER, whose purpose is to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion energy as a power source. To achieve its scientific objectives, the ITER device will need to implement solutions to several challenging control problems. Some solutions to these control problems are already mature, e.g. control of the plasma boundary shape and stabilization of the vertical stability, but many other solutions are currently in development or do not yet have viable solution approaches. In almost all cases, control solutions developed on existing tokamaks are made more challenging on ITER by safety issues arising from its nuclear mission and control actuation margins that are reduced due to cost considerations. However, many o...
M. L. Walker, Eugenio Schuster, Didier Mazon, Didi
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors M. L. Walker, Eugenio Schuster, Didier Mazon, Didier Moreau
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