

OpenDF: a dataflow toolset for reconfigurable hardware and multicore systems

14 years 11 days ago
OpenDF: a dataflow toolset for reconfigurable hardware and multicore systems
This paper presents the OpenDF framework and recalls that dataflow programming was once invented to address the problem of parallel computing. We discuss the problems with an imperative style, von Neumann programs, and present what we believe are the advantages of using a dataflow programming model. The CAL actor language is briefly presented and its role in the ISO/MPEG standard is discussed. The Dataflow Interchange Format (DIF) and related tools can be used for analysis of actors and networks, demonstrating the advantages of a dataflow approach. Finally, an overview of a case study implementing an MPEG4 decoder is given.
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Gordon J. Brebner, Jö
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Gordon J. Brebner, Jörn W. Janneck, Johan Eker, Carl von Platen, Marco Mattavelli, Mickaël Raulet
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