Abstract— Many IP multicast-based applications, such as multimedia conferencing, multiplayer games, require controlling the group memberships of senders and receivers. One common solution is to encrypt the data with a session key shared with all authorized senders/receivers. To efficiently update the session key in the event of member removal, many rooted-tree based group key distribution schemes have been proposed. However, most of the existing rooted-tree based schemes are not optimal. In other words, given the O(log N) storage overhead, the communication overhead is not minimized. On the other hand, although Flat Table scheme [1] achieves optimality [2], it is rather dismissed due to the vulnerability to collusion attacks. In this paper, we propose a key distribution scheme – EGK that attains the same optimality as Flat Table without collusion vulnerability. Additionally, EGK provides constant message size and requires O(log N) storage overhead at the group controller, which ma...