

Optimal MTCMOS Reactivation Under Power Supply Noise and Performance Constraints

14 years 7 months ago
Optimal MTCMOS Reactivation Under Power Supply Noise and Performance Constraints
Sleep transistor insertion is one of today’s most promising and widely adopted solutions for controlling stand-by leakage power in nanometer circuits. Although single-cycle power mode transition reduces wake-up latency, it originates large discharge current spikes, thereby causing IR-drop and inductive ground bounce for the surrounding circuit blocks. We propose a new reactivation solution which helps in controlling power supply fluctuations and in achieving minimum reactivation times. Our structure limits the turn-on current below a given threshold through sequential activation of the sleep transistors, which are connected in parallel and are sized using a novel optimal sizing algorithm. The proposed methodology is validated using HSPICE simulations of several benchmark circuits, which have been synthesized onto a commercial 65nm CMOS technology library.
Andrea Calimera, Luca Benini, Enrico Macii
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Andrea Calimera, Luca Benini, Enrico Macii
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