

Optimal System-on-Chip Test Scheduling

14 years 5 months ago
Optimal System-on-Chip Test Scheduling
1 In this paper, we show that the scheduling of tests on the test access mechanism (TAM) is equivalent to independent job scheduling on identical machines and we make use of an existing preemptive scheduling algorithm to produce an optimal solution in linear time. We extend the algorithm to handle (1) test conflicts due to interconnection tests and (2) cases when a test limits an optimal usage of the TAM by using reconfigurable core test wrappers. Our extensions preserve the production of an optimal solution in respect to test time and minimizes the number of wrapper configurations as well as the TAM usage at each core, which implicitly minimizes the TAM routing. Experiments with our implementation shows its efficiency in comparison with previous approaches.
Erik Larsson, Hideo Fujiwara
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ATS
Authors Erik Larsson, Hideo Fujiwara
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