

An optimal voltage synthesis technique for a power-efficient satellite application

15 years 2 months ago
An optimal voltage synthesis technique for a power-efficient satellite application
This paper presents an optimal voltage synthesis technique for a satellite application to maximize system performance subject to energy budget. A period of a satellite's orbit is partitioned into several independent regions with different characteristics such as type of computation, importance, performance requirements, and energy consumption. Given a periodic energy recharge model, optimal voltages for the regions are synthesized such that the overall performance is maximized within the energy budget in the period. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.4 [PERFORMANCE OF SYSTEMS] Design studies, Modeling techniques, Performance attributes. General Terms Algorithms, Management, Performance, Design. Keywords Power-aware design, power-efficient design, satellite application, queueing.
Dong-In Kang, Jinwoo Suh, Stephen P. Crago
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where DAC
Authors Dong-In Kang, Jinwoo Suh, Stephen P. Crago
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