

Optimal wireless networks based on local channel state information

13 years 6 months ago
Optimal wireless networks based on local channel state information
We consider distributed algorithms to optimize random access multihop wireless networks in the presence of fading. Since the associated optimization problem is neither convex nor amenable to distributed implementation, we introduce a problem approximation. This approximation is still not convex, but it has zero duality gap and can be solved and decomposed into local subproblems in the dual domain. The solution method is through a stochastic subgradient descent algorithm that operates without knowledge of the fading’s distribution and leads to an architecture composed of layers and layer interfaces. With limited amount of message passing among terminals and small computational cost, the proposed algorithm converges almost surely in an ergodic sense.
Yichuan Hu, Alejandro Ribeiro
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Yichuan Hu, Alejandro Ribeiro
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