

Orchestrating Learning Using Adaptive Educational Designs in IMS Learning Design

14 years 4 months ago
Orchestrating Learning Using Adaptive Educational Designs in IMS Learning Design
: IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) is an open specification to support interoperability of advanced educational designs for a wide range of technology-enhanced learning solutions and other units of learning. This paper analyses approaches to model personalised learning experiences with and without explicit adaptive features in IMS LD. The paper has two main parts. The first part analyses the relation between orchestrating learning and IMS LD's semantic features. The second part compares modelling strategies for educational designs for personalised learning in non-collaborative learning units using IMS LD Level A and IMS LD Level B features. The analysis is based on two worked-out IMS LD units. The paper concludes with a comparison of the two modelling approaches and addresses gaps when integrating adaptation concepts at the levels of the specification.
Marion R. Gruber, Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht,
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Marion R. Gruber, Christian Glahn, Marcus Specht, Rob Koper
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